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"Leona is not only a great dance teacher, she is a great person.  I had the privilege to work with her regularly for four months in preparation for the 2019 "Swinging with the Stars" fundraiser for the Central Okanagan Hospice Association.  In addition to her regular work day and her family commitments, she volunteered countless hours choreographing, mixing music, and providing me with dance instruction.  She is a positive, enthusiastic teacher who brings out the very best in her dancers!  I certainly couldn't have participated in the fundraiser without her and her expertise and kindness." - Kathy Weniger

"Leona is a lovely, compassionate person who has guided and inspired me for many years. Her instruction focuses on the inner person as much as the outer person. She develops confidence in her students by building on one’s strengths. She allows for individuality and creativity. Her gentle style makes one willing to take risks and grow. I highly recommend Leona as an instructor. Let her years of experience in yoga and dance help make you a more beautiful person, both inside and out!"  - Diana Zimmerschied

“Leona is a natural teacher.  Her approach to life, health, dance, human connection and expression of creativity and self is one of authenticity.  I have been lucky enough to tumble into Leona’s world (and I say tumble, because the busy winds of life and children and a need for “me time” blew me through her studio door) 7 years ago and I have been richer for it in so many ways.  I took bellydance lessons with Leona to start with, and the beautiful community of diverse dancers that she had created welcomed me and are some of my closest friends today.  Leona’s focus on body positivity and feeling beautiful in any shape or size has given so many of us the ability to step outside of our comfort zones and enjoy performance and embracing dance and expression through movement to its fullest.  If you are looking to try something new, or try something familiar with someone new, be it dance, or yoga, you will leave with a smile, an appreciation for your unique beauty, and you will have fun in the process!” Mielle Grant

"One of Leona's greatest talents is Connection.  Leona has the ability to deeply connect with people of all ages and backgrounds.  She is an open and active listener who is always present in the moment.  At the same time, Leona is authentic - she stays true to herself while acknowledging and accepting a diversity of opinions and experiences."

- Stephanie Moore

"As a teacher, besides being beautiful, she is knowledgeable, inclusive and supportive, and she makes sure her students feel beautiful  as women and as dancers. As a mentor, she guides gently and makes you want to push your limits to be the best you can be and at the same time, accept yourself as you are. As a friend,she is kind, loving and nurturing and encourages a person to explore their strengths and accept their limitations 

I have been blessed to be in the presence of this kind, gentle, strong and loving soul " - Kathie Black

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