Leona from Kelowna

Let's make 2025 the year to Thrive
Leona's Mission
She is a Bellydancer, Performer, Teacher, Mentor, Public Speaker and more. In combining her talents, experiences, knowledge and passions, Leona has founded AWE (Arts, Wellness and Education) which aims to create connections, foster communities, encourage collaboration, advocate empowerment and promote healing and positivity through virtual and in-person classes, workshops and events.
To learn a little bit more about Leona, read on! She looks forward to connecting with you.

Meet Leona
Born and raised in Vancouver, Leona’s journey in becoming the Teacher, Dancer, Yogi and Motivational Speaker she is today was one of evolving self-discovery. Her dance journey began at a very young age with Slovenian folkloric dance, before leading into cheer-leading, hip hop and finally Belly Dance, which has now become, and continues to be, an essential part of her. Yoga came into her life soon after the birth of her second son in 2005 and her calling to it grew in 2016 to the point where it has become an integral part of her daily life. In her 20s, her work with the BCSPCA, and its Human Education program, showed her the power and importance of creating positive lasting change through teaching—something she aims to bring to her students, participants and her community at large. Leona’s experiences with that program shaped her perspective and motivated her to emphasize education as an important aspect of one’s wellness journey.
From Humane Education, Group fitness, Reiki, compassion courses, dance workshops and more, Leona is constantly learning, growing and evolving. In combining her life, work and knowledge, she hopes to share and promote health, healing and positivity in a variety of accessible workshops, events and classes.
What she offers isn’t just a class, workshop, or a show—she offers an opportunity to learn, grow, heal and create positive change within.